Dear Lara,
Before you were born, Daddy and I talked about how we would like to keep doing the things we love, with our baby. We had an idea, that we would like to walk the Great Ocean Walk when you were still small enough to be carried without killing our backs. So when you were 3 months old, we booked our trip.
October came around and it was time to go. You slept through your first plane journey, which was fantastic if you discount our dead arms from holding you without moving so we didn't wake you. I'm glad we chose to be careful and keep you asleep because you were a bit of a delightful pain on the way back!!
Once in Melbourne, we piled into the hire car and set off for Ballarat. It was surprisingly warm there so we had a walk around town to see all the gorgeous old buildings and read up on some gold mining history before heading to the Hogs Breath Cafe for dinner. You had a ball munching on my vegies while we dug into our steaks. I was freezing though as I gave up my jacket to pad around you in the highchair as you weren't too crash hot on sitting just yet. Night one was not too bad, although you kept waking in your little pop up tent so you got to sleep in the big bed between mummy and daddy - you take up a lot of space!
Day 2 saw us heading to Mt Gambier. We timed our drives so you would sleep in the car, but of course you couldn't sleep the whole way. You were really good and were kept entertained by a rotating passage of toys, your favourite being a peg. We stopped off in Lake Bolac and had a drink by the Lake in freezing weather. Daddy made you a daisy chain and wrapped the rug around us to keep us warm. We then had lunch and a play on the tractor and swing up in the town after the shop assistant told Daddy off for parking backwards.
That afternoon, we made it to Mt Gambier, and your Grandpapa gave us his famous tour around his garden. We watched the ducks and saw the geese, saw his little wooden dinghy and looked for fairies in the dell. We even found a house just for you. Aunty Val made us some hot chocolate and scones with jam and cream and then we all headed to the pub for dinner. You were absolutely exhausted by the end of it, and cried in the car while Grandpa directed Daddy to the lookout. Daddy jumped out of the car and took in the sights so quickly so we could get you home to bed.
Speaking of beds, it was only a double bed, so we kicked Daddy out on to the floor and you and I got the bed all to ourselves. It was heaven!
The next day, we went into town to see the Blue Lake and the beautiful calla lillies at Engelbrecht cave before saying goodbye to your Grandpapa and heading off to Port Fairy. Port Fairy was gorgeous and you had a snooze while we walked around the island and stopped by the lighthouse. It was a Monday so all the restaurants were closed bar a few so we chose Chinese. They had a movie playing on the back wall, and despite the fact it was behind you, you bent all the way back and put your head upside down so you could see it. They forgot to bring our desserts out so by the time I gave up waiting for them, you were so so tired again!! So you slept with us... again!
Day 3 we headed along the Great Ocean Road to our B&B. We stopped at all the amazing lookouts along the way. Sometimes, Daddy would race out to the lookout while I stayed in the car while you slept, and then we would swap, just so you could get a good sleep. The things we do!! That night, we arrived at our B&B, had a look at some tiger quolls and met a tiny baby koala and some sugar gliders before heading to bed, ready for our big day of walking the next day.

Day 4 we started our walk. We popped you in the ergo on Daddy and you promptly fell asleep, sleeping through some beautiful views of the jagged coastline. It was pretty cool and a bit rainy so you were all rugged up and cosy. We had a break at a beautiful little beach before we swapped and I carried you. Well, you weren't too happy about going back in the ergo and cried quite a bit, so we stopped again and gave you a drink to help you settle down. This worked a treat and you sat contentedly in the ergo before falling asleep again. As we approached the Cape Otway Lighthouse, we saw and heard so many koalas. It was beyond anything we have seen before! We saw a baby, as well as 2 koalas sitting in branches right over our heads. They were so close we could have touched them. The lighthouse was fabulous and we even braved the very steep stairs to the top and went out to see the view. You don't seem to suffer from vertigo, which is good. After a bit of roll around time and fun on Daddy's shoulders, we hopped in the car and headed back to our B&B to meet some new people, have a scrumptious dinner and go to bed.

Day 5 and we decided on another 10km walk. We didn't think you would last much longer than that. It was freezing cold today, and we didn't bring you any gloves so your hands were little ice blocks. You didn't seem to mind too much. We were hoping to have a walk along a beach today, but when we got down there, although it was low tide, the sea was awfully rough and it didn't look particularly inviting, so we headed back up the hill to go the overland track. It was lovely up there and we enjoyed our peaceful walk among the trees, even being lucky enough to spot a black wallaby. We made our way to Aire River, across the beautiful wooden bridge, to end our day and have a rest at the campground.
Day 6 was another cold cold day with very strong winds and lots of rain. We had some magnificent walks among bushland filled with grass trees, along stunning cliffs and coastline, with dark clouds looming and the dark grey-blue sea swelling in the distance. We got our beach walk today, and I was lucky enough to be carrying you into a magnificently strong headwind, with rain whipping against our faces and soft sand sucking our boots down as we tried to prevail against the weather. You were getting a bit upset so we decided to stop on the beach to give you a kick around and a drink but the wind and the rain didn't make for inviting picnic weather and there was nowhere to shelter. We finally settled down behing a tuft of grass which gave us a slight respite from the wind and had a break. It was enough for you, and you settled down to sleep once we were back up and walking. We had to cross a beach creek, which was quite funny as you were still asleep so Daddy had to take my shoes and socks off for me so we didn't wake you up. It was a hard slog. But a beautiful one.
Day 6 and we decided to do the last 10km of the walk so we could see the 12 Apostles in the distance. It was a beautiful day, cool but calm, with some lovely moody skies. We were walking right along the top of the cliff line and could see the apostles and the sharp jagged and steep coastline for the last few kilometres. We were all feeling light hearted and happy and you loved sitting on Daddy's shoulders taking in the view. We then headed back to Wreck Beach to walk down and up the 366 steps to see the anchors and wreckage from two ships. I bet you were glad you were being carried up those!!
Day 7 was our last at Cape Otway and we decided to walk out to Little Aire Falls and Triplet Falls which took us on a beautiful walk through very different rainforest scenery to what we had just experienced on the coast. Bird life was abundant, we spotted the black carnivorous snail, and the falls were beautiful, the only downside being when I realised I had lost my wedding rings somewhere along the walk. Daddy ran back around the 2km Triplet Falls walk but couldn't find them and the day was getting too old for us to do the 5km Little Aire Falls walk again. It was with a heavy heart that we went back to our B&B for our last night. We all curled up together that night in the big bed, as we had most nights before that. You just seemed to sleep better. To tell you the truth, it was kind of nice.
Our last day, and we made our way along the rest of the Great Ocean Road, taking in the beautiful views, to Melbourne Airport. Our plane journey home was not as peaceful as our one there, but practise makes perfect... we hope.
Before you were born, Daddy and I talked about how we would like to keep doing the things we love, with our baby. We had an idea, that we would like to walk the Great Ocean Walk when you were still small enough to be carried without killing our backs. So when you were 3 months old, we booked our trip.
October came around and it was time to go. You slept through your first plane journey, which was fantastic if you discount our dead arms from holding you without moving so we didn't wake you. I'm glad we chose to be careful and keep you asleep because you were a bit of a delightful pain on the way back!!
Once in Melbourne, we piled into the hire car and set off for Ballarat. It was surprisingly warm there so we had a walk around town to see all the gorgeous old buildings and read up on some gold mining history before heading to the Hogs Breath Cafe for dinner. You had a ball munching on my vegies while we dug into our steaks. I was freezing though as I gave up my jacket to pad around you in the highchair as you weren't too crash hot on sitting just yet. Night one was not too bad, although you kept waking in your little pop up tent so you got to sleep in the big bed between mummy and daddy - you take up a lot of space!
Day 2 saw us heading to Mt Gambier. We timed our drives so you would sleep in the car, but of course you couldn't sleep the whole way. You were really good and were kept entertained by a rotating passage of toys, your favourite being a peg. We stopped off in Lake Bolac and had a drink by the Lake in freezing weather. Daddy made you a daisy chain and wrapped the rug around us to keep us warm. We then had lunch and a play on the tractor and swing up in the town after the shop assistant told Daddy off for parking backwards.
That afternoon, we made it to Mt Gambier, and your Grandpapa gave us his famous tour around his garden. We watched the ducks and saw the geese, saw his little wooden dinghy and looked for fairies in the dell. We even found a house just for you. Aunty Val made us some hot chocolate and scones with jam and cream and then we all headed to the pub for dinner. You were absolutely exhausted by the end of it, and cried in the car while Grandpa directed Daddy to the lookout. Daddy jumped out of the car and took in the sights so quickly so we could get you home to bed.
Speaking of beds, it was only a double bed, so we kicked Daddy out on to the floor and you and I got the bed all to ourselves. It was heaven!
The next day, we went into town to see the Blue Lake and the beautiful calla lillies at Engelbrecht cave before saying goodbye to your Grandpapa and heading off to Port Fairy. Port Fairy was gorgeous and you had a snooze while we walked around the island and stopped by the lighthouse. It was a Monday so all the restaurants were closed bar a few so we chose Chinese. They had a movie playing on the back wall, and despite the fact it was behind you, you bent all the way back and put your head upside down so you could see it. They forgot to bring our desserts out so by the time I gave up waiting for them, you were so so tired again!! So you slept with us... again!
Day 3 we headed along the Great Ocean Road to our B&B. We stopped at all the amazing lookouts along the way. Sometimes, Daddy would race out to the lookout while I stayed in the car while you slept, and then we would swap, just so you could get a good sleep. The things we do!! That night, we arrived at our B&B, had a look at some tiger quolls and met a tiny baby koala and some sugar gliders before heading to bed, ready for our big day of walking the next day.
Day 4 we started our walk. We popped you in the ergo on Daddy and you promptly fell asleep, sleeping through some beautiful views of the jagged coastline. It was pretty cool and a bit rainy so you were all rugged up and cosy. We had a break at a beautiful little beach before we swapped and I carried you. Well, you weren't too happy about going back in the ergo and cried quite a bit, so we stopped again and gave you a drink to help you settle down. This worked a treat and you sat contentedly in the ergo before falling asleep again. As we approached the Cape Otway Lighthouse, we saw and heard so many koalas. It was beyond anything we have seen before! We saw a baby, as well as 2 koalas sitting in branches right over our heads. They were so close we could have touched them. The lighthouse was fabulous and we even braved the very steep stairs to the top and went out to see the view. You don't seem to suffer from vertigo, which is good. After a bit of roll around time and fun on Daddy's shoulders, we hopped in the car and headed back to our B&B to meet some new people, have a scrumptious dinner and go to bed.
Day 5 and we decided on another 10km walk. We didn't think you would last much longer than that. It was freezing cold today, and we didn't bring you any gloves so your hands were little ice blocks. You didn't seem to mind too much. We were hoping to have a walk along a beach today, but when we got down there, although it was low tide, the sea was awfully rough and it didn't look particularly inviting, so we headed back up the hill to go the overland track. It was lovely up there and we enjoyed our peaceful walk among the trees, even being lucky enough to spot a black wallaby. We made our way to Aire River, across the beautiful wooden bridge, to end our day and have a rest at the campground.
Day 6 was another cold cold day with very strong winds and lots of rain. We had some magnificent walks among bushland filled with grass trees, along stunning cliffs and coastline, with dark clouds looming and the dark grey-blue sea swelling in the distance. We got our beach walk today, and I was lucky enough to be carrying you into a magnificently strong headwind, with rain whipping against our faces and soft sand sucking our boots down as we tried to prevail against the weather. You were getting a bit upset so we decided to stop on the beach to give you a kick around and a drink but the wind and the rain didn't make for inviting picnic weather and there was nowhere to shelter. We finally settled down behing a tuft of grass which gave us a slight respite from the wind and had a break. It was enough for you, and you settled down to sleep once we were back up and walking. We had to cross a beach creek, which was quite funny as you were still asleep so Daddy had to take my shoes and socks off for me so we didn't wake you up. It was a hard slog. But a beautiful one.
Day 6 and we decided to do the last 10km of the walk so we could see the 12 Apostles in the distance. It was a beautiful day, cool but calm, with some lovely moody skies. We were walking right along the top of the cliff line and could see the apostles and the sharp jagged and steep coastline for the last few kilometres. We were all feeling light hearted and happy and you loved sitting on Daddy's shoulders taking in the view. We then headed back to Wreck Beach to walk down and up the 366 steps to see the anchors and wreckage from two ships. I bet you were glad you were being carried up those!!
Day 7 was our last at Cape Otway and we decided to walk out to Little Aire Falls and Triplet Falls which took us on a beautiful walk through very different rainforest scenery to what we had just experienced on the coast. Bird life was abundant, we spotted the black carnivorous snail, and the falls were beautiful, the only downside being when I realised I had lost my wedding rings somewhere along the walk. Daddy ran back around the 2km Triplet Falls walk but couldn't find them and the day was getting too old for us to do the 5km Little Aire Falls walk again. It was with a heavy heart that we went back to our B&B for our last night. We all curled up together that night in the big bed, as we had most nights before that. You just seemed to sleep better. To tell you the truth, it was kind of nice.
Our last day, and we made our way along the rest of the Great Ocean Road, taking in the beautiful views, to Melbourne Airport. Our plane journey home was not as peaceful as our one there, but practise makes perfect... we hope.